Why Do Narcissists Cheat So Much?

Narcissists love to cheat. They go out, see somebody who catches their eye, and exchange flirtatious comments and even numbers.

Narcissists even love to flirt online. After all, what can their partner tell them off for if they don’t even know?

Cue the plethora of social media and dating profiles.

Ping! Beep!


In the eyes of the narcissist – all cheating is absolutely fine.


Well, that’s for me to know – and you to definitely find out.

What Narcissists Need The Most

Narcissists need you when you are firing on all cylinders. Those cylinders need to be a place where you offer your love, attention and affection to them. 

You need to serve them; because they love your supply, they crave more.

And more.

And more.

You know, many people ask me what is wrong with them when they find out their narcissistic partner cheated. 

Every single time, I have to have the same conversation to ensure people know it’s not because of anything they lacked. 

Wasn’t I enough?

Did I not show my love in enough ways?

Why did they just pick up somebody else and cheat?

What did they have that I didn’t?

They didn’t have anything different, it’s just that there was more of it available.

The Fragile Ego

Narcissists need you to know many things, but one thing they prefer to keep to themselves is how fragile their ego is. They don’t want you to know about it – it’s a weakness after all!

Their fragile ego needs constant attention. It commands respect, without offering any in return to those who provide it. They’re sensitive to people who pass them by without giving them any affection.

They get butt hurt easily – so the more people who can provide them with what they need – the better. 

You or I?

Cheating is absolutely not okay! Healthy people would never dream of complicating their lives and hurting their spouses by cheating. It doesn’t happen. 

Cheating is a selfish act and display of disloyalty and disrespect:

Everything the narcissist represents. 

The Cheating Narcissist – Reasons Why They Can’t Help Themselves

It’s sad but true. Narcissists will look for people to cheat on, and they will always have more than one option available to them.

They don’t see them as anything other than forms of supply they can use when they need that boost of affection.


#1 They Need As Much Supply As They Can

When it comes to supply, you’re nothing but a number. They want to know you’re there, but they also want to know that supply is constantly new and exciting for them.

The more of it they get, the more diverse it’s going to be.

You might be great at soothing their ego if somebody upsets them, but are you good in bed? Narcissists need everything, and sadly, that frequently falls into a ‘more than one person’ task. 

Supply helps the narcissist stay above the waters of insecurity. Somedays, they feel like they’re barely able to tread water.

That’s when they will go on the hunt for somebody new, and gladly cheat – conscience free. 

#2 The Thrill

It can come down to something as empty as, “I just enjoy the thrill of it.”

Think about it.

The narcissist meets somebody new, and they are instantly drawn to their charming energy. Sparks fly, and it’s like two magnets colliding.

Narcissists can become completely obsessed with that feeling, and will go out searching for it time and time again. 

Even if that means you are left home alone. 

#3 Drama Llamas! – “It’s Because of You!”

Yeah, so what, I cheated. 

Do you blame me?

It’s because of you that I cheated!

You don’t give me what I need!

Oh please. Spare me the sob story.

You cheated because you could, and you cheated because you don’t care.

You then want to blame the innocent person by saying they weren’t giving you what you needed to make yourself feel better.

It’s never the narcissist’s fault, and that’s why they will put it all on you.

So, not only are you totally broken from the news of their disloyalty, you’re now faced with it being your fault?!

How does THAT work?

Well, in a narcissist’s world – it works very easily.

Be prepared for being that terrible person. 

#4 They Don’t Love You

Narcissists don’t know how to love. It’s not just you they don’t love, so what I don’t want you to do is take this personally.

Love means something else to the narcissist. It means spending money on somebody, taking them on a holiday, and then holding that holiday against them at a later date. It’s how their spouse shows up for them in public, making them look good. 

Love isn’t a feeling – it’s a display. So that being said, how can you expect a narcissist to remain faithful, if they can’t even love the one they’re with fully?

Love is all about respect and honesty – and cheating doesn’t come anywhere near either of those things. 

So yes – a narcissist will cheat because they simply do not love you in the first place. 

Is that your fault?

Not at all.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you, although I ‘m sure it’s going to take more than that to convince you. 

#5 They Feel Entitled

At the center of every narcissistic personality is the automatic right for them to be as entitled as possible. Entitlement isn’t something a narcissist needs to search for or prove to anybody. 

It’s already there. 

It doesn’t need watering or tending to – it just is.

If you discover a narcissist has cheated on you, or why they insist on cheating so much, just know that it comes from their apparent God-given right to do what they want…

…When they want to do it. 

#6 Many Apples in Many Baskets

Imagine you go to the shop and pick up a bunch of apples. You place them in your basket, and you’re happy, right? Why would you need a bunch of apples in several different baskets? What good is that?

Well, a narcissist would tell you that it’s good to have different options, because what if you get home and that original basket wasn’t enough? What if they didn’t seem right?

That is exactly how narcissists treat people they cheat on and with. Don’t think for one second that who they’ve cheated with is the answer to all their problems – they aren’t. 

They will be treated as dreadfully as you are, whether tomorrow, next week, or next year.

It’ll happen, because it always happens.

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