When THIS Happens The Narcissist Becomes Dangerous!

You don’t need me to tell you how capable narcissists are of showing up as dangerous people.

The fact that they cause so much drama and destruction is one thing, but to do it with intent is quite another.

I personally get completely floored when I hear what my clients’ partners, parents, or friends say or do. I’ll never understand why their sole aim in what they give out into the world is to cause harm…


…There’s one thing that really makes narcissists dangerous, and I feel it’s something we need to talk about.

When THIS Happens The Narcissist Becomes Dangerous!

Sleeping Lions… When All Is Well

When narcissists are in good moods, it can be just as unsettling as when they’re giving you the silent treatment. Maybe not at first. At first you think their good moods are amazing. They’re amazing.

But eventually…

Eventually those good moods will act like a waiting room for more abuse. You’re there, and you’re anticipating the change. The moment the switch flicks from hot to cold. The moment your mood and feelings become affected by them.

It’s like creeping around a sleeping lion, isn’t it? You want to keep quiet and not do anything to raise their awareness of your mere presence, in case that alone riles them. 

Yes – all is well – but it’s never for long.

Soon enough, the narcissist will flip – and there is one thing guaranteed to make rhythm the most dangerous they’ve ever been.

What Shifts? Calm to Chaos

damage the narcissist

The calm to chaos happens, and you know exactly what caused it.

It’s when a particular thing happens, and that thing is:

When you have damaged them in some way.

That’s right. Narcissists always act up, but the cycle is usually pretty predictable. You know their moods and how to either pacify them or make it worse.

See also  How Do You Break Up With a Narcissist?

But when you damage the narcissist – in whatever way you do it – it’s going to release the most dangerous version of them you’ve ever seen. 

What does damaging them look like? 

1. Ego

You’ve dented theirs somehow. It might be that you mocked them in front of somebody, or criticized what they said or did. Yes – they do it to you all the time. But when those tables are turned – prepare for danger. 

2. Reputation


If the narcissist’s reputation is damaged in any way, what you’ve done is smash something in seconds that took years for them to build. They will unleash fury, and they will never forgive you. 

3. Disempowered them

Disempowered them

Taking away their power will leave them with what?

Nothing” Narcissists only thrive when they have what they want – full control at all times.

If you have disarmed them, either with a sarcastic comment, or going against their latest demand – watch out for trouble. 

4. Threatened them

threaten them

Ouch! Threats are not what the narcissist wants. They want to be the ones dishing the threats out, and they don’t want you hurting Them.

If you’re the one threatening, then you’re the one who feels as though what you say has some power over them. They won’t be emotionally abused – because that’s their job!

5. Risen above their abuse

risen above their abuse

Standing up and saying, “You know what? This isn’t right and I don’t have to put up with it a second longer” is the narcissist’s worst nightmare.

For years perhaps, they have managed to overpower you in every way. They’ve got what they wanted from you and put you into terribly vulnerable situations.

When you stand up and say ‘no more,’ you take away their supply that keeps them going. 

They Know You Know

Everything changes.

See also  6 Alternatives to Calling Out the Narcissist

Have you ever felt that? Been in that situation?

When you have damaged the narcissist by coming to understand narcissism in general and pointing out that they have ‘issues,’ – nothing is going to be the same again.

Don’t expect that cycle of abuse to be anywhere near similar to what it was before because what’s in it for the narcissist? They already know you know them. They know you know their tricks, and how they play games.

They can’t win you back or hoover you. They can’t fool you anymore because you’ve unearthed something major. 

You’ve unearthed every lie they’ve told, and there’s no fixing that. 

Exposing Them

It’s your choice to expose the narcissist. It’s your choice to stand up and tell the world what you know, and what indeed is true. 

Does that come with a huge set of consequences?

Yes it does.

1. Speaking Your Truth

Speaking your truth may come after months, maybe even years of being silenced, or tricked into believing a false narrative. 

Is there danger in speaking out and coming forward with what you know and have lived?

There always is. You run the risk of the narcissist denying everything you throw out there, or throwing it back to you as the bad guy.

Your truth has been denied all this time. Do you honestly think there will be any ease just because you’re finally standing in yours?

As the narcissist weakens you over time, they weaken your ability to defend yourself.

This is where a lot of victims fall down. 

See also  What Happens When a Narcissist Meets Their Match?

2. Dealing with Their Rage

they cant angry with themselves

Their rage is nothing new, is it?

I mean – I want you to know this:

The narcissist is going to get angry with you because they can’t get angry with themselves. 

I trust you are aware of all the reasons why narcissists should be angry with themselves, namely how terribly they treat everybody around them?

You put up with it.

Being yelled at.

Being blamed.

Items being thrown across the room.

Threats or acts of physical violence.

Being threatened. 

It all comes regardless, but when you expose them, it will come even more.

Prepare for the most hostile, toxic anger coming your way.

3. They Will Punish!

Punishments go without saying when you’re dealing with a narcissist who has been exposed.

Exposing them means their reputation literally goes down the drain without warning. What do they have left to do?

They want to turn everybody against you.

They can’t wait to make you suffer.

They want to isolate you.

They want to make your life hell.

And you know what? With narcissists, there really is no end to how far they will go.

“Undermining Them”

undermining me

That’s how they will see it, anyway.

You undermined me! How dare you!

In truth – you stood up for yourself, and so you should.

However you damage the narcissist, be prepared for the most dangerous comeback from them.

They aren’t going to stand for any ill-treatment, and if you even try, they’re going to do much, much worse to you.

It’s why so many victims don’t bother. They don’t want the drama or further pain. 

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t own your truth and have the right to live in it. 

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