Narcissists are all about habits, and some are far more silly than others!
Believe it or not, the average narcissist is silently and constantly begging to look smart. They desire to be the most intelligent in the room, and will do anything to fit that mold.
What does that mean for you, the bystander? Well, it can be pretty hilarious to watch them try and fill ‘big boy shoes.’
Narcissists think they look smart in doing these 8 things – but all they do is end up looking even sillier!
Narcissists Try So Hard…
I mean, come on. Shall we throw them just a little pity party here for a minute?
You get the streamers, I’ll get the root beer.
Narcissists really do try so hard to look smart. And yeah sure, there are some people out there who fall for it. They buy it. They believe everything that comes out of their mouths.
Narcissists unbelievably are on occasion seen as ones to look up to.
Wow. You really know your stuff. You know everything there is to know about it.
I never thought of that. You’re so clever.
Hey, you should ask (the narcissist). They are so knowledgeable and helpful.
It’s the image they want. They have to have people thinking this about them. It acts as validation.
“They say I’m smart, so there!”
The Perfect Person – NOT!
Okay. Stop pouring the root beer.
Put your streamers down.
Turn the music off.
The party’s over.
Narcissists aren’t perfect.
No matter how hard they try, they are never going to be smart.
Smart to them is yet another acting part they play that they can add to their resumé, but that doesn’t mean they can’t form habits to keep the smart spirit alive.
So… what are those habits?
8 Silly Habits Narcissists Believe Make Them Look Smart
#1 When They Constantly Interrupt Conversations
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that listening is both an art, and at the very least – respectful!
Conversations are supposed to be two-way. One person shares something, and the other listens then responds. It isn’t about one person in particular, it is a shared time for both to connect or catch up.
Narcissists don’t like to connect. They don’t like to share. They don’t like to listen. So what part of a conversation do they see themselves being a part of?
None of it. To them, somebody talking is dull, and they can’t wait for a pause in words, or a segway into a topic they want to branch into.
Commanding a conversation might make them think they are coming across as intelligent…
…But it doesn’t. It’s downright rude. You’d think they would realize this, but that would involve a little self-awareness. Let’s be honest – that is non-existent in all narcissists!
#2 Feeling They ‘Authentically Criticize’
I was just trying to help!
You said to be honest with you, so I was.
I don’t want to sound rude, but you said to tell you if ever I thought you were overdressed for an occasion. I think you really do right now.
I’m saying it from the kindness of my heart.
All the ways the narcissist criticizes while trying to make it sounds like they’re doing you a favor is really poor.
I mean – it’s really poor, guys.
Looking as though they remembered a time you asked them to speak up, or if they’re trying to knock you down by openly being cruel is not how one either possesses or exudes smartness.
#3 “Listen to My Grand Story and All My Experience”
Here we go again. Cue the rolling eyes of others as the narcissist tells us yet again how wonderful that vacation was, or what they learned on that course.
A client I had several years ago had a sister-in-law who was a hairdresser. She couldn’t wait to throw her knowledge at my client’s hair.
You should do this. I know because I did a two-week course in Paris. It’ll look fantastic.
Why don’t you just grow it out? You’re too busy for such a high maintenance hairstyle.
Narcissists never look smart here – they simply just look like know-it-alls.
It’s not attractive, and it only makes them look clever in front of their latest audience.
#4 Always The Opinion
Opinions are fine, we all have them, don’t we?
The difference with a narcissist is that they think their opinions are facts, and that everybody else’s are obsolete.
So they drop their opinions, and splash them everywhere you can see them. Any given opportunity to launch it at another, they will snap it up.
Nobody with an opinion so strong that it turns the air sour is smart. The smart thing to do would be to share what you think, and have healthy debates.
Something narcissists won’t do.
#5 Name Drop…
Oh, we go way back!
I know them well, they owe me a favor.
Let me speak to them, I have contacts.
It’s like that one time I met them, they were super nice!
Yawn. You’re so smart if you know those high-flying people you claim to. It must mean you’re an extra-valued member of society.
You know, it’s not attractive to name drop constantly.
Narcissists who do want to be seen to be on a par with these important people, which is why they love so much to do it.
#6 Discrediting The Ideas of Others
No, that won’t work.
We tried it before, it wasn’t successful.
Of course, I know you’re trying your best but this isn’t really in your league.
I think it was worth giving it a go, but there’s so much you don’t know.
I can do a much more efficient job.
Everytime a narcissist discredits somebody, they’re making them look bad on purpose. And there will likely be on real reason to, other than for their own light to shine that little bit brighter.
This doesn’t make them look smart, especially with the pressure being on them to keep to their word of being the better choice!
#7 Credit Taken For Their Work
Thieves come in all different shapes and sizes, and this time they come in the most overt, sneaky fashion.
Narcissists who claim another’s work if it’s impressive enough will one day meet their Karma.
It’s possible for narcissist’s in these situations to get in over their head and find themselves biting off more than they can chew.
Suddenly their cleverness rating nose dives.
#8 Competition Time!
Everything has to be a competition according to the narcissist. Beating people at their own games, coming out on top, and having the best of the best is the only way they know how to play.
I know everything!
I can do that better than anybody else!
Okay… prove it.
Not so smart now, are you?!