8 Fake Stories Narcissists Tell You

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Fakes stories exist for these reasons:

To keep you away from the truth.

To impress you.

To lead you to believe a certain aspect of a person is both true and impressive.

Narcissists love to fake stories for all the reasons above.

I want you to become familiar with 8 stories in particular because they just may have been told to you. 

Let me know if they have!

Gather One and All!

A narcissist brings crowds together with exciting stories and unique ways of making them sound very compelling and exciting and made by them for them.

I say ‘for them,’ because they rely on your feedback to boost their ego and give them some crucial, essential supply. 

Have you ever been gathered? Made to listen to something they have to tell you?

When the Narcissist Takes to the Stage

It can prove pretty uncomfortable seeing a narcissist take to their stage. Nobody else is welcome on it, and they find the most comfort standing front and center, letting everybody know exactly the things they want to say. 

It can actually get embarrassing if you know them well, and know they’re lying. 

8 Stories Narcissists Fake

So here are the top 8 stories narcissists love to fake. I wonder how many you’re familiar with!

Their Childhood

Narcissists and their childhood…. Now this can get really interesting. 

They will tell you, and fabricate everything

Now, that’s not to say they didn’t have a tough time – many people do. In fact, you’d be the great exception if you got through it all without a murmur of discontent. Things happen, and you can become unhappy from it. 

Narcissists tend to lather on the layers of pity so that you feel sorry for them. In truth, their childhood may have consisted of a difficult parent, who wanted them to always be perfect and present in a way that never makes them appear weak. 

See also  Why Do Narcissists Call You Crazy?

There’s only so long you can go about your life being the victim before you start to realize it’s getting you nowhere. 

Narcissists famously love being the victim, so any excuse to be so will be where they like to sit the most.

How Their Last Relationship Ended

The relationship the narcissist was last in is going to be a serious bone of contention for you both the longer you get to know them. You will likely hear how the narcissist did what they could, or tried everything to make it work.

There may even be some real clangers thrown in.

I thought they were the one for me.

Their moods were unbearable.

They didn’t treat me nicely at all.

Initially, these stories could have a little truth to them. I mean, you don’t know the person, and for all you know, they’re telling the truth.

The stories will continue though, and as you see their mask slip more, you will begin to disagree with it.

How can somebody so changeable accuse another person of being the problem?

You’ll see it for yourself over time, but one thing’s for sure – any story of the ex you hear is going to be seriously fabricated. 

 How Abusive They Have Been

There’s no such thing as abuse in the eyes of the narcissist. They won’t see themselves for who they really are, and that will show in the stories they fake to you.

Well, we argued a lot, but it was never me who instigated them.

I did all I could to calm situations, they just took it to another level.

I felt so controlled. 

In reality, you need to turn those tables and understand where the abuse really came from. When you do, you’ll see that they lied about who dished the abuse, and who took it.

See also  6 Honest Ways to Make a Narcissist Tell the Truth

You’re likely to learn the hard way here. 

 Being Unwell

You don’t understand. I feel so poorly. 

I can’t tell you how much my back hurts.

I really feel like there’s something seriously wrong.

I’m going to the doctors to see what they can do for me. 

I had to have scans and everything. It got really serious.

No – you had a cold. You broke a bone. You felt a little unwell for a while.

It happens to us all – but what we tend not to do is almost brag about it to elicit a little post-illness sympathy.

Oh, that must have been so terrible for you!

What’s more terrible is hearing this over-the-top version of what actually happened. 

 How Much They’ve Traveled

Maybe the storyteller narcissist has traveled, but I can tell you they are not familiar faces in that posh airline’s first-class section.

Maybe at a push, they got upgraded once. Chances are, they saw a video online about a first-class experience and, from that, can relay exactly what treatment and products you get on board. 

Listening to them brag about globetrotting is going to make them sound so interesting, that your life experiences pale into comparison. 

They want to sound like they know what they’re talking about – and you, as their audience, are going to hang onto every single word. 

Their ‘Wild Younger Days’

Ah, yes. Let’s hear about the wild, crazy times the narcissist lived through. If you went to two parties a week, they went to five. If you spent your summers clubbing overseas, their relative owned that club and the narcissist worked there.

Narcissists will tell you how wildly they used to live so you can think a few things:

See also  6 Differences Between Healthy and Narcissistic Relationships

How good they look now after all that partying.

How amazing of a time they had. 

How much they loved and grabbed life.

Hmmm. Okay. 

How Good They Are At Something

Play guitar? Yes! I love the guitar! It’s such a relaxing instrument.

Home renovations? Absolutely! I can put my hand to any project you give me.

It goes on and on. Everything they say they’re good at will be accompanied by several examples, just to make the story interesting.

Narcissists are desperate for people to understand how able they are. How naturally gifted they are, and how they don’t give up until they’ve got something right.

Now – you and I know this just isn’t true, but they will fake that with many tales of resilience…

… Boring…

How Successful They Are At Work

This is one of the funniest fake stories that come out of a narcissist’s mouth. Pretending to be successful at work can go from how much they earn, to how much they’ve been promoted over the years.

It could even be that they spotted ‘that computer virus,’ or how they ‘sealed that client for the business.’ 

Whatever you hear, know that so many people are involved in running a business. The narcissist is definitely going to be taking their work accreditations for themselves to look good. 

Those who buy it, should come here and learn a thing or two, right?

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