7 Dark Desires Driving Narcissists

Narcissists are driven by the dark desires they keep to themselves. Locked up in their crazed and manipulative minds, they have thoughts that you wouldn’t even dream of having yourself.

Only when you unlock those desires do you really get an idea of how poisoned their minds really are. And guess what – you then get the  upper hand!

I’m about to unlock seven dark desires for you…

…I hope you’re ready.

You Never Know What’s Really Going On

In the world of narcissists, you’re never really going to know what’s going on. Their minds are so full of toxic traits and unhealthy tactics that you’ll only see what they want you to see. 

Their dark desires lay low within them. Covered by charm, denial, blame shifting and projection, you’re unlikely to never truly unearth what they’re capable of…

…Until I came along!

But I Bet You Wish You Did!

Of course, life would be so much easier if you could read the real intentions of a narcissist before you fall in love with them and find it all the more harder to escape their clutches.

That’s exactly why I am using this opportunity to outline the 7 darkest desires, and why you should consider them huge red flags.

The 7 Dark Desires of a Narcissist

#1 They Want To Be The Best

There’s not a single narcissist in the entire world who doesn’t want to be the best. 

Better than you.

Better than everybody else.

Better than those who even attempt to compete. 

This desire for first place is more insidious than you will ever imagine because it is their mission to outsmart, outwit, and outmatch everybody else—even friends and family—even their children!

The high status that narcissists build for themselves adheres to the superiority they feel about themselves. If they’re continuously winning or succeeding, nobody else is.

The darkness comes from narcissists willing to step all over anybody in order to win and get ahead.

They don’t care who they hurt in the process. 

#2 They Want Everyone to Eventually Hate You

What kind of sick, twisted person wants everybody to hate you eventually?! What level of immorality does one need to enjoy seeing somebody filter into sheer isolation, causing mass depression, anxiety or loss of identity?

Well… narcissists, actually. 

Like all dark desires, you’re never going to be aware. You’re just going to end up being the victim. By the time you’ve filled that vacancy, it’ll be challenging to escape.

Think about it like this – if a narcissist can get everybody to hate or avoid you – then they will have you all to themselves. You’ll have no friends to offer or ask for support.

You won’t have a soul to reach out to when you have something on your mind. When the narcissist (not if…) mistreats you, nobody is going to be there for you, let alone believe you. 

So … when the narcissist says how unlovable you are and how you’ll never find anybody who will want them again, you’ll also believe that.

It’s hard not to when you look around and find you have nobody, right?

#3 Money, Money, Money

Money is a huge dark desire for a narcissist. They want as much as possible, and once they get it, they won’t hesitate to show it off. 

Expensive cars. Clothes with designer tags. Expensive hobbies and homes – you name it. 

Narcissists see the amount of money they have as this parallel line riding next to how successful they are. If they have lots, that must mean they also have a great deal of success. 

It’s a driving force for narcissists because success equates to how proactive they can be, and how clever they are.

As far as the narcissist is concerned, without knowledge, skills or the ability to charm their way into money – they wouldn’t have it.

#4 Center of Attention? Yes Please!

Narcissists crave attention like plants crave sunlight!  Now imagine if plants were able to talk, and they only did so about themselves… 

The inflated ego of a narcissist needs constant validation to feel special, so being the center of attention feeds their wild sense of superiority. 

You could even think of them as emotional black holes:

They suck in compliments, admiration, and, well, any spotlight they can possibly find. Without insisting on doing this, their self-worth plummets. 

They are driven purely by the desire and need for everyone to focus their attention on them – and they will not stop until they get it.

#5 To Be Loved By All

Narcissists need to be loved by everyone. They’re like a toddler needing applause for eating vegetables. 

Well done, you did it!

Their fragile self is built on a very shaky foundation of external validation. This means all it takes is one person not showering them with praise for it to be a real crisis! 

Imagine thinking you’re Beyoncé, but someone treats you like you’re a backing singer. It would be totally unacceptable, right? 

Narcissists constantly seek love to maintain their image. Without universal praise and acknowledgement, they might start questioning whether they’re actually that amazing

Trust me, that’s a meltdown you don’t want to witness!

#6 Enviable Job

Narcissists need enviable jobs. They need to know that what they do for a living is going to make you jealous and make them look like the best

Or, as I like to call it… peacocking!

It’s all about showing off. For them, a regular job just isn’t cut it because they’re convinced they’re destined for greatness. Beyond that, they want to convince you of the same.

They crave any admiration that comes with fancy work titles, huge, enviable salaries, and corner offices meant specifically for them. It’s not necessarily about the work itself, though, oh no. This is about bragging rights. 

How amazing is my job?

I get to do this for a living!


If their job doesn’t make others green with envy, what’s the point? A narcissist without a job to flaunt is going to feel less than.

Imagine having such a dark desire that you live to make others so jealous without really considering what you actually like in a job…

…Very strange.

#7 Material World!

Narcissists are human magpies. If an object isn’t shiny, they don’t want to know. Why? Because they can’t show them off!

For them, it’s not just about having stuff. This is far more serious! This is about owning things that scream, “Look at me!” 

The latest designer clothes, a new luxury car, gadgets that cost more than a month’s rent—any item acts like a trophy showcasing their “success.” 

They flaunt, and their dark desire is to continue to do that to make other people feel like they’re in a totally different league. 

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