10 Signs You Have A Narcissistic Sibling

What Is It Like To Have A Narcissistic Sibling?

Dealing with a Narcissistic family member who loves attention and struggles with empathy can be challenging.

It’s even harder when that person is your brother or sister. Sure, I’ve talked about what it’s like to have a parent, partner, or coworker with these traits, which are all signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), but siblings are a whole different story.

When you grow up with a Narcissistic brother or Narcissistic sister, their behaviors—like always needing to be in the spotlight, getting upset easily, picking fights, and trying to control others—are not just things you hear about. You live with them day after day, and they can be overwhelming.

As kids, it’s tough to get away from the negative effects of living with a narcissistic sibling.

Even as adults, when we can choose to step back, it often means putting up with uncomfortable family times and the pain of not having a close-knit family.

10 Signs Your Sibling Is a Narcissist

Have you ever wondered whether a sibling’s behavior goes beyond typical rivalry? These red flags might help you recognize narcissistic traits:

#1 A Narcissistic Sibling Is Attention-Seeker

Narcissistic siblings thrive on constant attention and admiration. They believe they’re unique and extraordinary, as if practically sacred.

They expect you to see it, even if they haven’t done anything special. In short, you must keep the praises coming.

They go to great lengths to feed their insatiable need for attention. They exaggerate achievements and embellish stories, always fishing for compliments or sympathy.

A quick visit to their social media pages will reveal their need to flex.

They even elicit engagement by making provocative statements or taking a controversial stand.

A recent study suggests that this behavior has its roots in insecurity. So, in their world, every moment is an opportunity to compensate for their low self-worth and seek validation.

#2 A Narcissistic Sibling Is Manipulative

Gaslighting, love-bombing, guilt-tripping, and playing the victim card. These are just a few§ classic signs of manipulative behavior.

Narcissistic siblings are master manipulators. They know how to pull the strings to make you doubt your perceptions and question your reality.

And they have no qualms about exploiting you to accomplish their own ends.

In everyday life, this can manifest in subtle ways. They might downplay your achievements or criticize your choices. They might even twist events to make you feel guilty or responsible for their actions.

Lies are their currency, as they spread rumors and create false narratives.

It’s a constant game where they control the story to serve their interests.

#3 They Turn Family Against Each Other

It’s hard to fathom the inner workings of a narcissist’s mind. But they may disrupt family dynamics for selfish motives.

They pit one member against another and sow seeds of discord. They can present themselves as the victim and you as the aggressor.

In some cases, a narcissistic sibling may target specific persons for isolation.

By stoking resentment and exploiting tensions, they create a chaotic environment that suits their need for control.

#4 They Avoid Responsibility

Narcissistic siblings dodge situations that demand responsibility. For instance, they consider themselves above mundane tasks like household chores.

That’s not all. Instead of owning up to mistakes or shortcomings, a narcissistic sibling will shift the blame on you.

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They may even manipulate situations to make you the scapegoat and them the child who can never do wrong. When cornered, they make up excuses or rationalize their actions.

And they often repeat the same mistakes without reflecting on their behavior.

#5 They Are Self-Entitled

Narcissists weave tales of perfect love and boundless beauty, success, and brilliance. Inside, they’re an empty shell.

A narcissistic sibling thinks the world revolves around them, rooted in a delusional sense of self-importance.

Rules don’t apply to them.

They behave like they deserve special treatment and privileges, claiming the best toys, room, and school. They intrude on your personal space, belongings, or time, assuming their needs trump yours.

As adults, they feel entitled to a larger share of your parents’ attention and money. However, they show no interest in helping to care for them.

Narcissistic siblings make unrealistic demands without reciprocating or considering others’ needs.

It’s a one-way street where you exist to cater to their every whim, never the other way around.

#6 They React Poorly to Criticism

When faced with criticism, a narcissistic sibling is likely to respond defensively. They’ll refuse to admit any flaws or mistakes.

Instead of addressing the issue, they deflect blame and counter-attack to protect their self-image.

There’s no common ground or resolving a conflict with a narcissist.

You become a threat the moment you criticize them. It’s a betrayal to the highest level.

Criticisms often trigger hostility, Narcissistic rage, or even retaliation. They’ll shut you down with verbal aggression or emotional outbursts.

#7 They Lack Empathy and Remorse

A narcissistic sibling struggles to understand or share in your feelings. Either they’re indifferent or dismissive.

They live in their emotional bubble, making it difficult to connect with them on a deeper level.

Don’t expect a sincere apology or genuine guilt and remorse when they hurt you. Often, they’re oblivious to the effect of their cruel words and actions on you.

#8 They Love to Compete (and Should Win) in Everything

Narcissists see life as a perpetual competition.

A narcissistic sibling always needs to one-up you—in talents, achievements, and personal qualities. It’s their mission to create rivalries, and the only goal is to win.

They probably started keeping score back when you were just kids.

They can’t stand it if you have something they lack. So, you become an object of their contempt.

They undermine and resent your successes. They might go as far as sabotaging your efforts to ensure their star shines brighter.

#9 They Take Join in Your Pain

Some narcissists derive pleasure from others’ pain, even that of their siblings.

Your failures, vulnerabilities, or insecurities become their ammunition. They take joy in mocking these aspects of your life, using hurtful comments to belittle and intimidate you.

Don’t expect their support when you experience setbacks. Instead, they may gloat over your misfortune, using it to reaffirm their sense of superiority.

#10 They Are Bullies

Living with a narcissistic sibling means enduring a consistent pattern of aggressive behavior.

Bullies seek power and control, ensuring they maintain their alpha figure. Their behavior involves harsh language, intimidation, and threats.

How Does a Narcissistic Brother or Sister Affect Your Mental Health?

Family matters, but looking out for your well-being is essential, too. Let’s explore the emotional toll of having a narcissistic sibling:

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Regular exposure to narcissistic behavior can lead to heightened anxiety.

The fear of triggering their anger or displeasure becomes a constant source of stress. You always feel like walking on eggshells around a narcissistic sibling.


A narcissistic sibling’s tendency to undermine and criticize can erode your self-esteem. To them, you’re never good enough.

Their inflated sense of grandiosity makes you question your worth and doubt your abilities.

Helplessness and Isolation

The manipulative tactics of a narcissistic sibling can create a sense of helplessness. You might feel trapped in a cycle of trying to please them or avoid conflict.

Often, this leads to isolation as you withdraw from social interactions to escape the emotional turmoil.


We all dream of a healthy sibling bond filled with laughter, shared memories, and mutual support. Unfortunately, having a narcissistic brother or sister shatters that hope.

The stark contrast between the ideal family image and the reality of dysfunction can evoke profound grief.

Abusive behavior inflicts pain and sorrow. Sometimes, there’s nothing to do but mourn the relationship you wish you had.

Mental Exhaustion

Navigating the emotional minefield created by a narcissistic sibling is mentally exhausting.

The need to anticipate and manage their reactions becomes a relentless burden. You may find yourself consistently on high alert, hoping to maintain some peace.

Over time, this psychological warfare becomes unbearable to the point of emotional breakdown.

Tips To Deal With Your Narcissistic Sibling

Here are some practical ways to handle a narcissistic sibling:

Know Yourself

Quit expecting your narcissistic sibling to acknowledge, understand, or play fair. Their self-worth relies on you being at the bottom of the pecking order in your family.

To feel special, they need to see you as beneath them.

Maintaining a strong sense of self makes it much easier to ward off any attacks from a narcissist.

You won’t lose your way no matter how much the narcissist tries to steer you off course.

Maintain Emotional Distance

Narcissists project their faults onto others to protect themselves from feelings of inferiority and shame.

So, when they criticize or blame you, it’s often more about them than you.

Not every issue is worth your energy and emotional investment in this situation. Engaging in constant conflicts can be draining and may not lead to any meaningful resolution.

So, how do you navigate this challenging terrain?

Don’t take things personally. Avoid getting swept up in their emotional turbulence. Be as unemotional as a gray rock when interacting with them.

Maintaining emotional distance lets you respond to their behavior from a place of strength and self-awareness.

Set Your Boundary

It’s not easy to regain control when you’ve always let a narcissistic sibling have their way to avoid strife in the family.

Decide what you can put up with, let them know your boundaries, and spell out the consequences. Stick to your guns if they cross that line.

Here’s the heads up: Your narcissistic sibling won’t go down without a fight. They’ll test your limit in various ways, like going through your possessions, offering unsolicited advice, or prying into private conversations.

Stay firm with your rules. Giving in tells them not to take you seriously.

Focus on Communication

If maintaining a relationship with your sibling is a priority, it’s crucial to tread lightly.

Bringing up their behavior and pointing out their flaws might ruffle their image of perfection. So, keep it calm, respectful, and as gentle as possible.

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Tell them how their actions make you feel instead of confronting their intentions. If they become defensive, take a breath and step back.

Try to revisit the conversation when the air clears.

If you’re successful, your narcissistic sibling might have moments of clarity. However, don’t count on them to sustain it.

Establish Supportive Networks

You don’t have to face the challenges of having a narcissistic sibling on your own.

Surround yourself with people who bring positivity to your life. Nurture a social circle that goes beyond your immediate family.

Moreover, join online forums or support groups to connect with individuals with similar struggles. These communities will deepen your knowledge of narcissistic behavior.

Avoid Escalation

Narcissists love power struggles. Instead of engaging in a battle for dominance, back off and prioritize your well-being.

Avoid reacting impulsively to their provocations. You don’t have to win every argument; sometimes, preserving your peace is the real victory.

Diffuse tension with humor when appropriate. A well-timed joke or a light-hearted response can break the intensity and redirect the conversation.

If things get too heated, don’t hesitate to take a timeout and blow off steam.

Focus on Personal Growth

Practice self-care and focus on becoming the best version of yourself.

Explore your strengths and chase after what interests you. Create a life that brings you joy, all while distancing yourself from all the negativity.

Think of it as an opportunity to invest in your personal growth and well-being, free from the shadows of a narcissistic sibling.

Know When to Walk Away

There comes a point where the relationship is causing more harm than good.

In such cases, cutting ties might be the best way forward. It doesn’t mean you stop caring, but rather, you prioritize your mental health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Sibling Is the Most Likely to Be a Narcissist?

In a dysfunctional family, it’s usually the golden child who ends up being a narcissist. This happens because of a damaging mix of entitlement, parental pressure, and over-involvement.

This risk is even greater when the child is a male. Social expectations, normalized male aggression, and low emotional quotient (EQ) can compound the desire to feel special.

Is There Hope for Reconciliation With an Estranged Narcissistic Sibling?

Yes! It’s possible to make amends if your narcissistic sibling can acknowledge and admit to having a problem.

Seeking professional help is the right step towards healing and rebuilding the relationship.

It’s not an easy journey, but a commitment to change can offer hope for reconciliation.

Final Thoughts

Narcissism may look like excessive self-love, but it’s far from the truth. It’s a fixation on a grandiose self-image as a defense against deep-seated insecurities.

The signs your sibling is a narcissist are glaring: attention-seeking, self-entitlement, arrogance, and lack of empathy.

A narcissist will deny having a problem and reject help, and trying to change them through kindness is often futile.

While coping strategies exist, you should know when to draw the line on destructive behavior.

When the relationship turns abusive, sometimes the only way out is to sever ties with a narcissistic sibling.

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