4 Reasons Why You Should Ghost The Narcissist

Never one to encourage any ghosting behavior. I want to make it clear that treating people who love and respect you badly is wrong.

There are healthy ways to end what doesn’t make you happy, and that should always be your first choice.

Now to the good part…

Narcissists don’t deserve good treatment. Not after all the pain and suffering they put you through.

Instead of giving them more love and attention they won’t value – it’s time to ghost them.

It’s finally time to say goodbye for good, without saying goodbye!

Cutting off a narcissist and leaving them hanging will do a lot of things, and I want to walk you through each one with a great big, satisfied smile on my face!

Join me?!

Ghosting: The General Scope

Newsflash: It’s not okay to ghost. It’s not okay to be in a healthy relationship and suddenly decide you’re going to end it and never see that person again by completely deleting them and running away.

They will wonder what they did wrong, and you will be left as the person who caused unnecessary pain where there was previously genuine joy. 

Ghosting occurs so frequently now, and it’s easier than ever to do when so many of our connections are online. 

All you need is a block button to get on with your life and forget the person you are connected with.

That doesn’t leave them in a very nice headspace though, does it? Especially if they’re the innocent ones in all of this. 

So, Alex, I hear you ask. Why are you making a topic about ghosting a narcissist?

In short – there’s nothing healthy about narcissists, and sometimes you have to get out just to survive. 

When Ghosting is Good

That is where ghosting is good, and where you need to have your priorities in check. Needing to break free means you do whatever it takes to achieve that. 

If that means ghosting the narcissist – do it. 

To Protect Yourself

The self—you, your mind, your body, your spirit—all of it combined needs protection from bad people, and ideally, we would all be protected from bad people.

Unfortunately, they cross our path, and with the right time and knowledge, we can also get rid of them before the rot really sets in. 

If you need to ghost a narcissist to protect yourself, it’s never too soon, and it’s never too late. 

Mental Health Matters

Narcissists have been known to erode even the strongest of minds, and in the long term, there’s no doubt it can have an adverse effect on the mind. 

Those effects can act as triggers in victims, who are reminded that unkind treatment makes them feel worthless and unloved. When you feel that way, it’s your mental health that takes a steep incline. 

Anxiety rises. Depression roots itself – and you end up at the mercy of your abuser.

Or – you could ghost them and save yourself. 

To Stay Safe


Doing it Right is where I need you to focus your attention. Staying in a relationship that’s abusive means you must look for an escape route. If the unsafety is immediate – you’ve got to get out.

When you ghost somebody, you’re cutting everything. You are not allowing an inch of their energy anywhere near you. It’s gone. It’s over. You move on.

At times we meet people we think are nice, but they can be known to reveal alarming things about them a little too soon. When you feel those red flags rising, you are kind of against the clock.

This is why I tell people to not give too much of themselves away too quickly.

If you need to back out, you still can.

To Protect Your Family

 If you have children, you cannot ghost the narcissistic father. You can make moves to protect yourself, but those are going to be at a cost to you as they will likely fight you for access.

For those who have kids but are single, you might be prioritizing meeting a new flame.

You have to be careful when you introduce your children to any new partner, but if they turn out to be narcissistic, you may need to ghost them. Here’s where it’s okay.

You owe them nothing, and they owe you nothing. But if your kids are starting to suffer – you’re going to need to ask yourself some serious questions. 

Generational Curses? Well, you may be used to seeing those generational patterns of abuse play out, but in ghosting, you can learn to break them and reshape your future. 

To Get Life Back on Track

You’ve played this crazy, unhealthy and exhausting game of back and forth, and it was a game that you didn’t sign up for. 

Coerced into taking part, you have had your fill, and you no longer want to be a part of it.

Getting out of it has proven difficult as you try to say this kind of relationship isn’t for you, but you are dragged back in with a false accusation, the silent treatment, or a love bomb.

There comes a time when it’s all too much, and the predictability of the cycle instills dread into the pit of your stomach. 

The only thing you can do is ghost them. They don’t deserve you—and they never did. Your time is precious, and it’s been wasted wishing you could see a healthy relationship unfolding, but all you see is conflict, toxicity, and pain. 

When you look in the mirror and don’t recognize the person staring back at you, it’s time to take drastic action.

This is made a lot easier if you don’t live with the narcissist. You can cut them out, ghost them and get on with your life.

The ‘No-Contact’ Spin

Ghosting can also sometimes be viewed as going no-contact. This seems to be an ever-popular way for suffering family members to break contact with another (or even friends), and make a promise to themselves to avoid.

What you will find interesting about ghosting somebody this way, is that you will be seen as the bad guy.

Say you broke contact with a parent – they will tell the world how much you hurt them, let them down, or that you are the narcissist. 

In other words: there are consequences.

You have to decide what’s right for you, and at the end of the day, ask yourself this:

Would you rather stay in contact and continue to be abused and worn down?


Would you rather cut contact, put up with the naysayers, and build a life for yourself?

When you put it like that – it’s no question.

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