12 Things Narcissists Don’t Like About You

Narcissists love to have a problem with you, but there are some specific reasons why they really might dislike you. 

They’re bothered by things you might not even realize, but I must stress that they aren’t problems. They’re parts of you that are all amazing.

I’ve got 12, yes 12! – surprising traits and behaviors that drive narcissists crazy about you. 

You can truly be a thorn in their side, but if you really want to get to the bottom of why, you’ll have to admit that you’re a pretty cool person.

I hope you’re ready for it!

Narcissists? Not Like You? Shock!

I know, imagine! I mean, I always thought narcissists were kind, humble, and genuinely loving peo… Ah, who am I kidding?!

It’s no real shock to discover a narcissist has an aversion to you. You might think, “Hold on a second. What exactly is it about me you hate so much?!”

It doesn’t have to be one particular thing, but a narcissist is never going to love you, or even like you. 

It’s ingrained into their egotistical brain to avoid that kind of emotional fluff.

Wishing Secretly..

Now, I need you to do one thing for me.

As you are about to embark on a list that will enable you to gain more knowledge, I want you to know that…

…Narcissists secretly wish they had every single one of these traits about them.

That’s right.

They’ll take this secret to their grave, but in life – they will punish you for being the very things they wish they could be.

12 Things Narcissists Don’t Like About You

#1 Your Caring Nature

Make it make sense!

Surely, caring natures should be considered what the world needs more of.

We don’t need any more people who will cause us stress or unhappiness, right? So why would a narcissist hate that about you?

In short, your caring nature takes away all the potential for them to be seen as a good person. Furthermore, what comes so naturally to you, they have to work a hundred times as hard to try to do authentically. 

Your smile to a stranger is genuine, yet they wouldn’t think twice. The way you might help somebody across the street won’t even occur to them to do the same. 

 #2 Your Sense of Compassion

Keeping in line with point 1 – look at how compassionate you are. You care about the world, and everything that’s going on. You want to see justice and fairness, yet all they do is complain or criticize. 

How many times do you notice this when you’re watching the news or something with the narcissist in your life? 

Listen to them! They don’t know how lucky they are!

Why should we care about what’s going on halfway across the world!?

But give them an audience, and it becomes a forced sense of compassion:

Oh yes, it’s terrible, isn’t it?

Really sad what’s going on there.

You’ll struggle to hide your surprise at their pseudo-concern…

#3 How Much Thought You Put Into Things

Where does that thought come from?

Well, it comes from wanting to see other people happy. It comes from wanting the best for a situation that, if you can help achieve it, is fabulous. It comes from thinking about what is good and how to establish or present that to people you care about. 

Narcissists? Meh. They’ll just throw money at something and hope for the best.

They hate that you are able to think about the small things and how much they matter.

#4 How Good You Are At Something

Have a hobby?

Well, you’d better keep it a secret from the narcissist, because they will destroy it!

Narcissists don’t want you to be good at anything. They hate seeing you happily and merrily executing a project, and will be jealous that you can do so, so well. 

To the point where they will criticize that creativity out of you!

#5 The Joy You Get From Hobbies

Beyond simply being good at a hobby, you get joy out of it, right? I mean, that’s what sets aside errands from passion. You find joy in doing something. Running, craftwork, reading, going to the theater, baking – whatever your hobby- brings out the warmth in you. 

Oh, hold on, I see something in the distance…

…I see a narcissist heading your way with a wrecking ball…

…Take cover!

#6 Your Comprehension

Oh, you think you’re so clever!

Actually, yes, you might… Because you might be!

Doing well in school, earning your degree, and having general knowledge in many aspects of life and the world can be things narcissists hate about you.

How dare you upstage them and make them look stupid?!

#7 How You Are Happy To Be Vulnerable

Letting go of all your inhibitions and being the vulnerable you that you are – well – they won’t stand it for a moment.

Oh, how they wish they could just let their guard down and be trusting and open to people. 

For the simple reason being they see it as a sign of weakness – they can’t and they won’t.

#8 Showing All Emotions Healthily

“If you’re happy and you know it…” – let everybody know!

Sad? Had a bad day? Feeling sympathy for somebody? Wishing you could make that relative of yours feel better if they’re poorly? Excited? Happy? Relieved? I could go on forever!

Take the hint from me – your emotions are always going to be unmatched with the narcissist!

#9 Your Friendships

You have friends, they don’t! I don’t think I need to say much more, other than:

Don’t let the fact that the narcissist hates you having friends, stop you from having them. 

They’re jealous that you maintain close circles, which proves that they wish they could be like you and have real friends.

Only it isn’t in the make-up of a narcissist to be so vulnerable and open to even make a friend.

#10 Speaking Up When It Matters 

Ooh, heaven forbid you use your voice when it matters…

Narcissists will not like you asserting yourself. Yes, they will get majorly offended when you stand up and speak your mind. They will see it as you putting them in their place, which throws in question (and doubt), their authority

Boo hoo for them…

#11 Defending What’s Right

If you’re standing up for a belief or person who is right, prepare to be disliked! No narcissist wants to see you disagree with them. After all, you should continue to be the obedient person you always were because those are the dynamics that suit the narcissist, right?


#12 Not Caring About Being Perfect

You’re lucky in that you really don’t care about perfection. You know life isn’t about protecting an image you’ve built that tells the world, “I am perfect!”

To you, imperfection is a part of life; you’re okay with that.

The narcissist will gasp in horror, knowing you don’t care. In reality, they wish they could be more like you, but they know any imperfection will be noted as a weakness t o their strong character. 

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