Shine a light on a narcissist, and all they will do is sing you a song.
Your interrogation is going to do nothing – it doesn’t matter how hard you try. How do I know this? Because I see it every day at work. People are always telling me how much they try to get a narcissist to admit to something.
It always fails.
You just have to accept that narcissists aren’t built to hold their hands up and surrender to wrongdoing.
What I can offer you – are the exact things narcissists strongly deny as reality.
Their failure to admittance should be your confirmation to run!
Tell Us The Truth!
Calling out for the truth is like whispering in a thunderstorm – nobody is going to hear you and your calls will go unanswered.
You want the narcissist to admit to something, just for once in their lives. Each time you hope they will, you hope it will be the time they wave their white flag and tell you the honest truth.
Give me a break!
Why Not?!
If any narcissist were to open up to you, it would be like the end of times. It’s not possible all the while, but they have a reputation to uphold.
You’re not worth knowing the truth.
In fact, everybody else in the world isn’t worth anything.
10 Things Narcissists Will Never Admit
So here we have it – curated especially for you to widen your knowledge of all things narcissism – the 10 things they will never admit.
#1 They’re Wrong
It’s not what I want to tell you; I’m sure it’s not what you want to hear.
Narcissists will never admit to being wrong because they simply don’t want to portray themselves as anything but perfect.
What that means for you is that you can fight for justice, but justice will never arrive at your door.
Yep – even if they are wrong! You could even hold evidence in your hand, and they will laugh at you and tell you it means or proves nothing.
#2 Their Flaws
Do you think somebody so full of their own ego and self-importance will turn to you and tell you that they have flaws?
Narcissists work so hard to build this image of themselves with no cracks or imperfections – any flaw will be severely hidden under the surface.
What happens, though, is over time, the narcissist will reveal their flaws to you. You’ll see them. You’ll experience them. Your nervous system will awaken to them.
But they will still deny they have any at all because then they can continue to poison everybody around them while being blissfully unbothered that they’re doing so.
#3 Who They Really Are
Admitting who they really are works in two ways.
First of all, there’s the insecure side of the narcissist. This will never be admitted because insecurity means something or somebody has a hold on them. It also means there is a force of power over them that they cannot control – let’s be honest – no narcissist would consciously allow that.
The second is the fact that they’re a narcissist. Holding their hands up and admitting how toxic they are is the last thing a narcissist is going to do.
You got me, well done!
Never going to happen!
#4 What They’ve Done in the Past
The past of a narcissist is like a swamp with a ‘Danger’ sign on every corner of it. You don’t want to go near it, and you can clearly see that there won’t be much available to even see unless you get too close that you fall in.
Falling into the past of a narcissist is really sticky business. You’ll discover truths and uncover moments you wish you’d never stumbled across.
It’ll be that much of a shock to you because you will have been served a totally different version of events. Events that were probably shaped to put the narcissist in a happy, positive light.
Kept well hidden from you, their past is going to only be for them to know and for you to only get the heavily edited version of.
Maybe even a brand-new version!
#5 That You’re Better Than Them
No narcissist on the planet will ever admit that there is another better than them. Their image is like glass. It has to be squeaky clean, but it is very easily breakable.
If they were to admit you had better qualities or a more successful job – that’s as much as saying they aren’t perfect.
All narcissists think they’re perfect.
That’s never going to be up for debate.
#6 How Sorry They Are
You’ll never hear an apology be muttered from a narcissist’s mouth. Why would you? An apology would be an admittance of fault.
That’s never going to happen.
Narcissists are perfect, remember?!
#7 How Much They Love Drama
All drama is avoidable with proper communication and understanding. Narcissists will override every aspect of that in order to stir up trouble and problems in your life.
They will break you down into tiny pieces, all by creating an air of chaos that needn’t even be.
#8 They Actually Don’t Love You
As much as they love to say it, narcissists will never actually love you in the way you want them to.
In the way normal, healthy people love.
Their love is conditional. It is based on how you act, what you say and do, and how you allow them to take control and be their manipulative selves around you.
The more you put up with, the more you will be rewarded.
That isn’t love.
And no, they will never admit this is what they do.
#9 How Much They Love Seeing You Sad
Your misery is perfect for them. They love to see you unhappy, with things not going your way.
If you’re happy, the narcissist is immediately jealous. They can’t stand it and will do everything in their toxic power to end it.
If you are going through sadder times or moments, that’s when you’ll see them thriving the most.
Their lack of empathy stinks.
#10 How Jealous They Can Get
Looking deeper into jealousy – narcissists feel it all the time. Do they admit to feeling jealous?
Of course, they don’t! Any jealousy felt comes from the idea that the person they’re jealous of has some kind of control over them.
Nobody has control of the narcissist!
That doesn’t mean they don’t sit and see at night about their friend’s new car or their brother’s fancy vacation.
But they do, and seethe alone is their only way of letting go of their envy without you seeing.
That doesn’t mean they won’t take it out on you…